Re-publishing, copying and sharing links
Any content from this app may be copied and re-published for non-commercial use without written consent from GCS, provided that the information source and the date the information was obtained are listed and that all the copied information is accurate. Any copied content does not represent the official version of the corresponding information and shall not be deemed an accredited document of GCS.
No individual or entity may use this app or any of its content for commercial purpose of any kind without written consent from GCS. No change or adaptation shall be made to the copied content, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, without written consent from GCS.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all content of this app. However, GCS does not make any express or implied guarantee or commitment regarding such content. All information is provided “as is” and GCS is not liable for any consequences of its use. GCS reserves the right to delete or suspend the publication of or to edit any of the information provided by this app at any time without prior notice. GCS is not liable for, and will not pay any damages in respect of, any loss or harm resulting from the use of information provided by this app.
This app contains links to websites and electronic services operated by third-party entities. These links are provided solely for the convenience of users. GCS is not liable for any information or electronic services provided by or through such links and is not responsible for any loss or harm resulting from the use of third-party websites. The use of these links to visit third-party websites signifies your exit from this app, thereby rendering you subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of the respective websites.